Herringbone is one of the classic patterns, that had its great come back couple years ago to the top of interior trends and since than is present in every major summaries, home decor magazines.
Floor, wall, curtains, carpets, bathrooms, kitchens, whatever the room is you probably can find ideas that use herringbone pattern. Traditionally herringbone flooring was created with solid wood or engineered wood flooring. Since last year vinyl floor is coming to market with innovation badge and this year there is another novelty from this branch of flooring. Arbiton introduced innovative vinyl floor with mineral core that is dedicated to fit as herringbone floor. Nowadays is possible to have alternative to wood flooring herringbone in good price, that will be more convenient in installation and available for DIY enthusiasts.
From Roman Empire to Queen Victoria court of England.
The roots of herringbone pattern can be found as far as Roman Empire. The name refers to characteristic placing of elements that resemble bunches of coniferous trees joining in a centre line. Romans were using this type of fitting on the roads, achieving greater durability, strength and stability. This method occurred also in plans of XIIIth century Duomo Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence. Architect of this monumental architectural piece of art, Filippo Brunelleschi, designed and created enormous dome without support thanks to ingenious implementation of internal shell made from brick with herringbone and stone horizontal base.
Using herringbone decreased tensions along the base and allowed for equal distribution of the forces. Bringing herringbone engineered wood flooring and solid wood flooring in herringbone parquet to interiors we owe to French. One of the first herringbone floors can be found and admired in Chateau de Fontainebleau build in 1539. French had a great input in promoting this style across the Europe and made it widely known in other countries. Herringbone pattern found a special place in Queen Victoria’s heart in XIXth century England. They took it on a different level of aesthetic and since then it has been a benchmark for interior style. Since than flooring herringbone become popular in whole Europe.
Costly and problematic floor.
In Poland herringbone had its golden era is the interwar period, when city tenements were finished with this type of fitting. It was used to be reserved for solid wood. Installing the floor with this method is very beautiful but unfortunately comes as greater expenses. For a good quality parquet you need to book around 55-70 EUR per m2. Even the most affordable solutions require budgeting of 45 EUR per m2. Price, along with the gluing installation, makes this prestige but not for everybody. Despite many advantages that solid wood and engineered flooring has, it is delicate material that can be easily scratched or dented. It require also periodically maintenance. Once per few year wood needs to be scraped and oiled or lacquered. Those types of work have to be done by professionals and can be costly.
Solid wood should also be avoided on the areas with exposure to moisture (like halls, kitchen, bathrooms). Is there any solution that would allow to fit herringbone pattern as a one floor for a whole apartment?
How to avoid spending a fortune and periodical maintaining the floor?
Answer is simple. Use the products that are innovative and will provide supreme quality – vinyl flooring.
This year Arbiton presented novelty – collection of vinyl flooring that can be mounted as a floating floor in herringbone pattern. This is first of this type floor with mineral core. Thanks to advanced production quality, vinyl floor main feature is its durability. They are highly scratch and hit resistant. Also drastic changes in atmospheric conditions have no influence on dimensions and do not absorb water. Laminate flooring on the other hand would not guarantee this stability.
Vinyl floor thanks to its manufacturing process and used materials is perfectly suitable for underfloor heating system, also in a kitchen, bathroom or other area exposed to water. Dimension stability is another plus – no additional dilatation is required for areas up to 200 m2. If you imagine for apartment with one floor in whole space then vinyl is a way to go. Arbiton put a great effort not only in technical development but also in visual aspect of the floor.
This approach resulted in highly adequate reproduction of wooden structure, soft to touch feeling and quite to walk surface. Another advantage is price – around 36 EUR per m2 puts it in the range of the most affordable herringbone flooring. So price is very well balanced, designs highly refers to natural wood and finishing and final outcome is astonishing. What is also worth to mention, vinyl planks from Amaron collection from Arbiton are mounted as floating floor with click system and has innovative HD Mineral Core, which enhance durability and damage resistance.
Mineral core flooring- what is that exactly?
At the beginning it is crucial to be aware of variety of types for vinyl’s. The most modern types has rigid, very firm core, which conducts heat really well. The name of whole category is actually based on this feature – RIGID floors or SPC floor (solid polymer floor). SPC floor are dimensionally stable, meaning they are not changing size exposed to variations of the temperature. Example of this type of core is one developed by Arbiton – HD Mineral Core. It is based on the natural rock minerals and modern polymers. This mixture of ingredients provides extreme durability to impacts and conduct heat very efficiently. This impact resistance is also one of the reason that this type of floor can be guaranteed even up to 20 years of warranty for residential usage.

Technology is important but let’s not forget about design.
LVT panel (luxury vinyl tiles) from Arbiton are cutting edge product. But they are also taking design part very seriously. 5Gi locks from Valinge allow to fit the floor in herringbone style and they make very characteristic click sound during installation. For now there are two oak colours in the collection – HARLOW OAK and WEMBLEY OAK. Harlow is a traditional, reserved one and Wembley a bit darker with more apparent structure and richer tones. Amaron Herringbone Click system opens many possibilities to admire classical design in modern scenes. You will be able to enjoy elegance, authenticity and traditional styling without worries about scratches. The also look like real wood. This is what Arbiton floor are known, best in class projection of the wood features to the product. Usability on the other hand makes this product similar to ceramic tiles.
Dimension stability allows to fit up to 200 m2 without introducing additional dilatation. There is no need to use floor profiles or thresholds. Amaron Herringbone would be the perfect product for countryside mansions in British style. This is pattern that is classy and not intrusive but would perfectly settle as a background for further design excursions. Amaron floor not only are known for its wooden beauty but also extraordinary impact durability and strength. Floors with mineral core are very tough and waterproof, so you can use them in a kitchen or even in bathrooms. They are also scratch resistant so you can use them in the entrance of the home and do not worry about sand, mud and water.
One collection, different floors.
Arbiton offers vinyl floors in different sizes and colours across Amaron collection. Amaron Herringbone collection are available in two colours – Harlow Oak and Wembley Oak. And it is not just herringbone. They can be fit in three more patterns – English pattern, ladder and chessboards. So it gives you 8 possible pattern for your floor. Herringbone and English pattern will be suitable for classical interiors. Wherever you want to put emphasis on the style those floors fittings would be perfect. Those two patterns also are perfect for underlining traditional roots. Also natural character of wooden floor is a good solution in lofts and terraced houses.
On the other hand, chessboards and ladder are perfect for all inclinations from 70ties. Today they will also be perfect for modern interiors. To sum up they can be quite universal solution for different interiors. They are suitable for rich in accessories, full of glam residencies but also for minimalistic apartments in Scandinavian vibe.

Who is Arbiton Herringbone dedicated for?
Herringbone floor is associated with timeless, historical design. But it also naturally flows and composes with traditional spaces referring to retro style. It is a great background for furniture from great polish designers like Józef Chierowski or Roman Modzelewski. This floor looks amazing in very modern houses as it gives a ageless character and highlight the individual approach to design. Also Scandinavian style is very eager to draw from it. So it would be almost perfect choice for lot of situations. If you admire wooden look for the floor but you are afraid as durability can be an issue, pick Amaron floor and for sure you will be amazed by the final result. Especially now, when Arbiton collection is available in such a great price and modern technology of HD Mineral core. Details of an offer and more product information can be found at www.arbiton.com
Now Arbiton also released a online visualizer than enables you to check the Amaron collection in your own space. Just take a photo, customize floor and you can see it for yourself how perfect the Arbiton floor would be for you.