3in1 floor profile: Connects floors at the same level, connects floors at different levels and finishes floor. An unvisible floor connection in widest colour range matching all shades of floors available on the market. Find out more at www.arbiton.com or watch more installation movies on YoyTube Arbiton Floor Expert
Integration of the existing floor with the new one is a frequent problem with interiors. Moreover, floor-panel manufacturers recommend using additional expansion joints (1–2 cm wide) in rooms longer than 8 m, and such joints need an aesthetic finish. A solution to this problem is the use of floor profiles. When selecting a profile you…
The floor must tolerate long years of walking and other impacts. Hence, manufacturers can even grant a 25-year warranty. Each warranty, however, has its limits. So what should be kept in mind in order to ensure the durability of the floor, to keep your peace of mind, and to be sure about complicity with warranty…